A Collection of Anne Geline Tan’s Artwork
“Bridge The Gap”
Bridge the Gap
The artwork is a positive version of Steve Cutts’ illustration. In our technology-driven world, we have been so immersed in using gadgets and social media in our everyday lives which brings positive and negative effects in different facets of our lives. As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps the globe, an unexpected turn of events has surfaced in our lives. The pandemic has affected communities callously. A lot of people across the globe have been affected by the global crisis where employees lose their jobs, businesses everywhere are closing off, people are separated from their loved ones, and face to face learning is greatly affected. But through the help of technology and social media platforms, we are able to gradually adapt to the new normal that permits us to keep on moving forward despite the prolonged uncertainties that surround us. In the face of COVID-19, people started using social media to stay more connected and increase public dissemination of information that provide awareness regarding political, economic, and social issues. People become more aware of the different issues we face nowadays. Various small businesses are starting to sell their products or services on social media as an opportunity to earn additional income that will sustain the needs of their families. Since face-to-face classes pose a threat to the health of teachers and students, online classes are a better alternative solution for continuous learning through the use of Zoom, Google Classroom, Google Meet, Canvas, and other e-learning platforms. Thus, the advent of technology and social media allows us to bridge the gap in this time of the pandemic. It’s an opportunity for many people to thrive as we make a way out from this challenging time.
“When Life Was Normal”
When Life Was Normal
When the quarantine has started, | didn’t expect that I’ll be confined in our home this long. Living in isolation for straight eight months is like being in a room full of shrinking walls—it's suffocating. After a few months, | thought life would return to the way it used to be, but it hasn’t. Things didn’t go well the way | imagined it to be. | get to see this view almost every day. It may seem mundane and the other places in Taft, but it was filled with memories that | mostly took for granted. Hanging out with my friends after class, food trip during free time, doing projects with group mates, and simply admiring the busy streets in Taft is one of the things | deeply miss. To be suddenly removed from the regular day-to-day routine of going to school, seizing the moments, and meeting friends are what saddens me. At first, frustration and anxiousness engulfed me, but | gradually accepted the reality in front of me and reminded myself that the day would come where we'll get to bond again with our friends, relatives, and even the people who we barely knew but warmly greets us whenever we get to see them. Our fervent longing will be soon replaced with tight hugs, laughter, and lighthearted conversations. | made this artwork to express how much | miss my life during pre-pandemic and bring back simple yet memorable memories during college. | also created this artwork for other people to recall their life when life was normal and spark hope within them that better days are coming.
The pandemic has definitely tainted 2020 with fear, frustrations, hopelessness, and misery—a year filled with prolonged uncertainties and discomfort. Continuously living in the “new normal” could be too exhausting and dreary. People confined in their homes relentlessly witnessing unfortunate news reports, struggling to balance work and family responsibilities, FOMO still persists, and everything seems mundane living in our tiny bubbles. 2020 was stressful but I became more prolific last year that contributed a lot to my progress. Self-improvement has always been one of my priorities, but it blinded me to see my worth and forget my wins in life. It was easy to feel so small when I see other people continuously achieving in life. It seems like my wins in life doesn’t matter. But in this chaos, I somehow found balance. In opening another chapter of my life, I still want to fulfill my self-improvement goals but with mindfulness. I want to learn that growth takes time and I shouldn’t be too hard on myself. It’s okay to pause and take a step back to appreciate what I have. Life is not a race and I’m at my own pace. I may be a work in progress right now and still figuring things out, but I know that someday, I will bloom into the best version of myself in God’s perfect time. Welcoming 2021 with more clarity, love, and hope through the magazine-inspired artwork that serves as a reminder to be kind to ourselves in the process of our self-becoming.
The digital painting holds two different meanings that reflect our present-day realities. The first meaning is that in our world today, women continue to live in a society filled with unattainable beauty standards, struggling against patriarchy and misogyny, and receiving judgements everywhere. The woman in the digital painting is wearing a yellow dress that symbolizes courage and self-confidence as she unchains herself from the toxic societal norms. I painted a sea to depict that there’s a future to look ahead and imagine what awaits on the horizon if people continue to fight against inequalities in all aspects and compassion, empathy, and inclusivity will prevail. We may still be sailing across uncharted waters today, but I’m hoping that one day, all people will be unchained from the unrealistic beauty standards, misogynistic behaviour, patriarchal system, and discrimination in all forms. The second meaning revolves around the journey towards self-love. The woman in the painting is unchaining herself from the negative comments of other people and her toxic relationship with herself. She’s now heading to a new beginning wherein she will make herself feel worthy and see the underlying beauty that she possesses all this time. As a person who’s still on the process of loving myself, I also created this painting to urge other individuals to gradually break free from the negativity that surrounds them and embrace their unique identity.