
Photo: Unsplash

Photo: Unsplash

The term Morena in the Philippines is used to describe Filipino women with darker skin tones. Its connotations have changed over time but in a society that has the mindset that lighter skin is beautiful so deeply ingrained in it with ads of lightening soaps and lotions and pills screaming at you from left and right at a young age, it was hard to feel pretty when I would be called morena.

This poem is about a moment I shared with my lola (grandma) that changed the meaning of morena for me. She didn’t remember this conversation when I asked her about it years later, but this specific interaction was the start of self-acceptance for me.

When I was a little girl I remember running up to lola asking why my skin looked so different than the other girls. She said,

“My dear, you have so much warmth inside your soul that the sun decided to love you just a little bit more.”

– Morena

Jamie Vergara

Jamie Vergara (she/her) is a multifaceted creative who combined her love of the arts and writing for a career in communications. She works full-time as a communications coordinator in the education industry. As the Public Relations Director of Isa Magazine, Jamie aims to create a safe space that amplifies the voices of BIPOC youth of all genders. She is a lover of all genres of music, languages and can usually be found geeking out over stationery and bullet journals. Say hi at @_heyitsjai and @outcats_cosplay on instagram, or check out her YouTube channel @heyitsjai to see the latest things she’s geeking out on.


We need to start prioritizing Young Adult books with BIPOC authors


“Maybe the Beginning of Me”, Chapter 1