Freedom in Growth

Illustration by Dani Casas.

Illustration by Dani Casas.

The inspiration of this poem came from the idea that in order for the butterfly to emerge; it must first go through cycles of growth; before it can spread its wings and roam free. The cocoon represents the confinement one can feel when trying to break free. A slight hold yet it is as light as silk, much like the makings of a cocoon. Representing the progression as the caterpillar breaks out of their cocoon, metamorphosing into a beautiful butterfly.

A transformation that breaks the molds of who it thought it once was. Similar to breaking free of the constraints of our mind, gaining the strength to spread our wings and fly. Understanding that what was once our safe home, can turn into what is stopping us from becoming all that we are. Often the protection built can only last for so long, until we must come out of our comfort zone.

This piece represents the process of gaining the strength, to outgrow what we once knew. Ultimately to emerge into who we are meant to be. Showing that once we gain the courage, we are capable of breaking through any wall placed in front of us. A lesson that I continue to learn over and over again.

Comfort zones will constantly be built over time, yet the power is in knowing when to break out. Unapologetically living my truth, our truth, your truth and breaking the binds that once held us confined. With nurturing and love, we are all able to emerge as the beautiful butterfly.

Janessa Cockburn

Janessa Cockburn (she/her) is a 22-year-old Afro-Caribbean writer and poet from Brampton, Ontario. From an early age, she has had an affinity for writing and has used it as a safe and cathartic outlet to release her thoughts. With her work, she hopes to share her experiences and words as a medium to encourage and motivate young womxn. Find her on Instagram @co.burn.

Interview: Gianinna Chavez of We Bleed Red


Not Another Headline, The Human Toll